Saturday 20 August 2016

VI. Research and Information Seeking
     It is one of the ideal application's laid down for ICT and the World Wide Web is for research and education since web 1.0 the main objectives of internet sites are to share and disseminates information.

    Five information sources over the internet:
1. Web search engine- programs designed to search or mine the world wide web based on keywords provided by the users.
2. Research Indexing Sites- web sites dedicated to compile and index reseaches done by academic researcher's, engineers,social scientist and so on.
3. MOOC- Web sites dedicated to teach and inform users focused on different areas. The delivery  of information  is similar to classroom lecture setup.
4. Employment Web Sites- web sites that enable companies to post job vacancies and also accomodate job seekers by providing a resume-submission facility.
5.Electronic Commerce (e-commerce)- this is a technology that uses electronic means to trade products and currencies.

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